Saturday, September 13, 2008

Blog neglect!

Ok ok! I know I have not been the most faithful blogger! The first month of school is always crazy especially when you teach Kindergarten! And that is pretty much what I have been doing since my last blog....teaching! I have a great class this year and am excited about the potential of my new students. Today, Kendall and I went to ride around the deer camp that Kendall joined in Simpson County. He also wanted to teach me to shoot a gun which I wasn't to thrilled about, but I have to say that it was pretty fun (especially because I was good at it.) I was shooting coke cans with a 22 riffle and hit the cans 15 out of 16 times!! I think I missed my calling as a sniper! I might go take the hunter's ed course Kendall has been trying to talk me into after all! I am posting a cute picture of Bubba also!!

P.S. Some of you may have heard that I fell at my house again last is true! But I am doing much better. I did not hurt my leg but really messed my back up. I am still sore but it gets better everyday. And YES I do think my house is trying to kill me! The wheelchair ramp Bubba is standing on is where I fell. Kendall tore it down the next day!

1 comment:

The Whatleys said...

I hate to hear about your fall. I am just glad that it didn't mess up your leg! Hope you feel better!!